The fabulous art photographer Annette Frick has been on a mighty roll in the last decade with many exhibitions and museum offerings. Annette is a Berlin treasure so rush to see her amazing art work.
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde liebe Zwischenwesen
beiliegend Infos zu 2 Veranstaltungen bei denen meine Arbeiten in Berlin
zu sehen sind:
In den Wilhelmshallen (S+U-Bahn Wilhelmsruh) präsentiert die Galerie
Chert/Lüdde in der Halle 4 von K60
meine Fotoarbeiten ab HEUTE
unter anderen alle 5 großen Schlangengöttinnen, analoge Handabzüge aus
den 90-er Jahren und einige Arbeiten ausder Serie FUCK GENDER
am 10 September dann wird die Ausstellung zu Gunter Trube in der
Brotfabrik in Berlin eröffnet.
Ich freu mich wenn Ihr Zeit hättet die Ausstellungen zu besuchen.
herzlichst Annette Frick
This week is the Folsom Europe event which is the continents take on the famed San Francisco fetish happening. Been noticing on the streets lots of burly men in various expensive costumes of the rubber/gummi, leather, uniform and puppy chow variety. The dude who created the concept that it´s masculine and sexy to dress as a dog must be laughing all the way to the filthy lucre banksy.
This week is the Folsom Europe event which is the continents take on the famed San Francisco fetish happening. Been noticing on the streets lots of burly men in various expensive costumes of the rubber/gummi, leather, uniform and puppy chow variety. The dude who created the concept that it´s masculine and sexy to dress as a dog must be laughing all the way to the filthy lucre banksy.
The rest of the tyro fetish punters seem to adopt what I call the H&M, Forever 21, Judy´s Gear For Guy´s Harness/Jock strap apparel look.
With a heatwave of temps in the high 80s it seems like a lot of bother to make oneself so stiff and uncomfortable on the promenade. I saw one extremely diminutive man emerge from the super market dressed as a Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officer, complete with handle bar mustache. The ill fitting uniform made him look more like the cartoon character of Dudley Do-Right.
The gloriously talented Bay Area artist Brontez Purnell will perform in Berlin at the end of the month. I´m not a big fan of the Volksbühne after what they did to Vegard Venge and Ida Müller but I am a fan of the marvelous, super sexy Brontez.
meetingWednesday, September 27, 2023, 8:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m
LocationVolksbühne at Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz - Big House
addressRosa-Luxemburg-Platz, 10178 Berlin-Mitte