Just received this fresca off the press news from art power couple Wilhelm Hein and Annette Frick of their latest exploits. If you are visiting Germany please check it out----you won't regret it.
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren
Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde
solltet Ihr Richtung Süden fahren
unbedingt in Ulm Halt machen um
die Ausstellung + - CROSSDRESSING + - anzusehen
im Stadthaus des Architekten Richard Meier
Diese tolle Ausstellung läuft noch bis zum 5. Juni 2016 mit vielen neuen Bildern und 2 Videos von mir und anderen ...
Im Anhang findet Ihr ein paar Bilder.
BITTE AUßERDEM VORMERKEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In Erinnerung an Tony Conrad zeigen wir - "The Flicker" 1965/16 mm
und neben neuen Arbeiten aus Berlin noch einen zeitlosen Avantgarde Klassiker :
Instantfilm von Peter Weibel und Valie Export
in Kürze erhaltet Ihr genauere Infos dazu
herzlichst Annette Frick und Wilhelm Hein
+ - CROSSDRESSING + - Stadthaus Ulm - Münsterplatz 50 - 89073 Ulm
Öffnungszeiten des Stadthauses- montags bis samstags 9 bis 18 Uhr donnerstags 9 bis 20 Uhr - sonntags und feiertags 11 bis 18 Uhr
Listen all you sugar walled Manhattanites and Eastern corriderreros the mega sexy and super smart Lia Gangitano of Participant Inc Gallery on the Lower East Side needs your help to continue the work she has been making in New York City presenting outsider artists as only she can. Very few have her courage and hutzpah to work with unclassifiable artsy fartsy's like yours truly. Testify on the James Baldwin mountaintop. SatanLuciferBeelzebub
The Board of Trustees of PARTICIPANT INC cordially invite you to PARTICIPANT AFTER DARK (Vol. 2)
A secret garden party in honor of Vaginal Davis and Susanne Sachsse of CHEAP kollectiv
On the occasion of The Magic Flute, Part Two: A Film in Pieces by Michel Auder and Michael Stickrod, at 80WSE Gallery.
Wednesday, June 8, 7-10pm
VIP Cocktails, 7-8pm
Hors d’Oeuvres and garden mingling, 8-10pm
At Izhar Patkin Studio, East Village
To purchase tickets, visit participantafterdark.org

A secret garden party in honor of Vaginal Davis and Susanne Sachsse of CHEAP kollectiv
On the occasion of The Magic Flute, Part Two: A Film in Pieces by Michel Auder and Michael Stickrod, at 80WSE Gallery.
Wednesday, June 8, 7-10pm
VIP Cocktails, 7-8pm
Hors d’Oeuvres and garden mingling, 8-10pm
At Izhar Patkin Studio, East Village
To purchase tickets, visit participantafterdark.org