Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Hungrige, ascheige Hintern werden von Superlativen gebohrt

That Vaginal Davis creature has got to stop referring to former students with that phrase, and simply reference that their relationship is now one of them being colleagues. Its so hard to break bad habits. Which reminds me that the manager of my very own website Larry-Bob Roberts is someone I´ve known for way over 30 years. Just found a great photo of Larry from around that time when we first met and oh my what a young, innocent beauty with a bubble butt you could build a dream on. Larry and his husband still live in the Bay Area and wonderful Larry-Bob has come along way from St. Olaf College.

The gorgeous Larry-Bob

Just received these two notices from Romain Mader and Anne Duk Hee Jordan that you should check out:

– Das Problem des Anderen @ Helmhaus Zürich

I would like to invite you to the opening of the group show "verstehen" at Helmhaus in Zurich.
I am showing a work from 2011 called "De Nouveaux Amis" and would love to see you at the vernissage tomorrow 5.10.2023.
Vernissage: 5.10.2023 18:00 - 20:00
Helmhaus, Limmatquai 31, 8001 Zürich, Schweiz

Too short for tomorrow? Not a problem! The show runs until January 2024 and I would join for a visit on a later date. Don't hesitate to contact me I would like to do that.Here is the exhibition text:


Verstehen ist nicht mein Problem. Verstehen ist immer «das Problem des Anderen» (so lautet der Untertitel eines Buchs des bulgarischen Schriftstellers Tzvetan Todorov, das wir in Vorbereitung auf diese Ausstellung gelesen haben): Entweder diese:r Andere versteht mich nicht (mühsam). Oder ich verstehe diese:n Andere:n nicht (auch mühsam, weshalb kann sie:er sich nicht verständlicher machen?). Oder, noch anders verstanden: Verstehen ist ein Problem des Anderen, allgemein, im Neutrum. Es wird zur Herausforderung, weil es ein Anderes, ausserhalb von uns selbst, überhaupt gibt. Dabei produzieren wir dieses Andere doch auch eigenhändig und machen Menschen oder andere Tiere mit aller Gewalt zu etwas Anderem (Stichwort «Othering») – bis wir sie eben nicht mehr zu verstehen glauben?

Also: Nicht mein Problem? Oh doch: Die Künstler:innen der Gruppenausstellung «verstehen» machen das Verstehen zu ihrem eigenen Problem; sie verstehen mit Hilfe und mittels der Bildenden Kunst; sie versuchen, sich selbst zu verstehen, bevor sie das Problem woanders suchen – und sie laden Dich und Sie dazu ein, sie bei diesem nicht zu unterschätzenden Abenteuer zu begleiten.

Kuratiert von Daniel Morgenthaler, Nathalie Killias und Cristiana Contu


Ever hear a joke you didn't get? And do you understand art – or is it all Greek to you? The real question is: What do we understand by understanding? At what point is something understood? And what do others, or the Other, have to do with my understanding or being understood?

Our new group exhibition, “understanding” – The Question of the Other, shows the works of sixteen artists who have grappled with this and other questions (and problems) of understanding. You are cordially invited to the opening of this exhibition this coming Thursday, 5 October, here at the Helmhaus.

Group exhibition with
Lisa Bärtschi, Sandra Boeschenstein, Susanne Keller, Damon Mark, Simon Risi, Lisa Schiess, Alberto Villafuerte

Self-evidence by
Stephanie Hess, Sasha Huber, Michelle Maddox, Romain Mader, Pat Noser, Jenny Rova, Gaël Sapin, Denis Savi, Denys Shantar
Curated by Daniel Morgenthaler, Nathalie Killias und Cristiana Contu

PS: Have you ever wondered why is it understanding and not, say, undersitting or underlying?
More infos here: helmhaus.org

Greetings from Zürich!



Transience and transformation are the central themes in the work of Anne Duk Hee Jordan. Through movement and performance, Jordan gives materiality another dimension - she builds motorized sculptures and creates edible landscapes. Her sculptures are intended to draw the viewer into the present and open a dialogue between natural phenomena, philosophy and art. Pauline Doutreluingne
We are please to announce that Ziggy and the Starfish by Anne Duk Hee Jordan will be on view at two group exhibitions from October, RE/SISTERS: A Lens on Gender and Ecology at the Barbican in London and Liquid Intelligence at TBA21 | Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza in Madrid.

London, UK
Oct 5, 2023 - Jan 14, 2024
Curated by Alona Pardo

TBA21 Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid
Madrid, Spain
Oct 10, 2023 - Jan 28, 2024
Curated by Chus Martínez with Soledad Gutiérrez and María Montero Sierra

Ziggy and the Starfish (2016-2018) is a sculptural video environment composing of variable sculptural elements and two films exploring the diversity of sexuality in the ocean.

Amidst pressing ecological and social crises, Ziggy and the Starfish investigates our position in relation to the natural and built environment. The work looks at ways that we consume or sustain our environment, lending insight to the perception of self through the eyes of non-human ‘others’, and forging understandings of the complex networks within which we are embedded.

Ziggy and the Starfish looks at sexuality from the perspective of marine life. Hydrospheric climate change is the deciding factor in the changing sexuality of ocean inhabitants. The visualization of the sex life of sea slugs, octopuses and starfish, amongst others, and their vibrant and seductive performative play, draws the human spectator in an intimate and hallucinatory sexual world.

The Bass, Miami
Dec 4, 2023 - Jun 23, 2024
Curated by Dr. James Voorhies

I will always weather with you is a multisensory scene that corresponds to the many characteristics of weather. The exhibition will be composed of three zones—or atmospheres—analogous to the earthly experience of land, water and air. Amid video projections of ocean streams and meteorological data, visitors will “step into” weather. Mirrored walls create a visually unstable, infinitely reflecting setting for video, sculpture, sound and robotics. Eye-popping kinetic sculptures— “robotic critters” —sing, dance and disturb with simulated gusts of wind, sound and fog. Radicchio leaves made of recycled glass and “Teapot” (a character embodying the escalating intensity of a storm, from gentle breeze to clattering tempest) also have supporting roles to play in the multidimensional installation.

Anne Duk Hee Jordan was recently interview by Monopol about her exhibition at HEK Basel.
She also appeared in the video series "Studio visits with" by Gallery Weekend Berlin.
Her more recent installation So Long, and thank you for all the fish at the Gwangju Biennale has also been highlighted at artnet and ARTnews.
Last year, her exhibition at Kunsthalle Trodheim was reviewed on Artforum.
Portrait of Anne Duk Hee Jordan, photo: Ricard Estay
Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Ziggy and the Starfish, installation view at Polygon Gallery, Vancouver, 2022 photo: Dennis Ha, courtesy of the artist and alexander levy, Berlin
Anne Duk Hee Jordan, I will always weather you, render, courtesy of The Bass, Miami Beach.