Friday, January 24, 2020


Das Eismeer ruft

Der Teufel moeglicherweise

It saddens me to report that Jim Lehrer of the MacNeil/Lehrer Report on PBS and News Hour has died age 85. Mr. Lehrer was one of the standardbearers in broadcast journalism unlike what passes for journalism today. I grew up watching him on the telly. One can only imagine my chagrin to realize that he was a fan of my Fertile La Toyah Jackson zine and its supplement Shrimp, the magazine for licking and sucking bigger and better feet. Meeting Mr. Lehrer was one of those instances that an idol doesn’t disappoint. We were introduced by Los Angeles Times film critic Kevin Thomas at The Spotlight Pub a downscale watering hole on the Cahuenga Corridor at Selma in Hollywood proper right off of the Blvd. I don’t know if he was pulling my leg or not but Mr. Lehrer could flip a couple of swell phrases and ruminations on above average penis sizes and the fine art of Fargot Fellatio. Whenever I tell people I was the editor of my high school newspaper no one believes it, but Mr. Lehrer completely did and said it makes sense. RIP.

When it comes to journalism the super hotsy totsy little stud of a journalista Michael Scaturro can’t be beat. He just wrote a new piece for New York Times food editor Mark Bittman and his new publication, Heated.

It's the story of how two British birds captured 90% of the global market for chicken. Whether in China, the U.S., the UK, or Africa, we're all eating the same two chickens. (It's a market not unlike the Apple/Android global smartphone duopoly.) It's also a story of how chickens came to be named like sports cars, how their industrialization is responsible for antibiotic resistance,
and how they are actually threatened as a species. You can read it here:

One of my nuttiest ex students whose art career has really developed into something very interesting is Christophe de Rohan Chabot. Christophe is a great blonde beauty boy who comes from a patrician Gallic family. Please check out his latest exhibit:


Gaudel de Stampa


Christophe de Rohan Chabot (1986), lives and works between Berlin and Paris. Recent solo exhibitions include TG, Nottingham; Zabriskie Point, Geneva; Clearview, London; Treize, Paris; Gärtnergasse, Vienna; Shanaynay, Paris. Recent group exhibitions include Frac Île de France_Le Plateau, Paris; Tonus, Paris; Wiels, Brussels; Exile, Berlin.

His work will be presented at Etablissement d'en face, Brussels in May 2020 (solo show).


Gaudel de Stampa

49, quai des Grands Augustins – Paris 6e

T + 33 (0) 1 40 21 37 38

M + 33 (0) 6 19 55 53 69 opening Friday 31th January, 6-9pm