Monday, May 08, 2017

Schauplaetze und Ereignisse

Invited to a charmingly girlish dindin at Fearless Leader Susanne Sachsse’s gorgeous table in East Germany to discuss our upcoming projects with NYU Berlin and Mobile Academy. Afterwards we ventured to Kreuzberg to see dreamy Jamie Stewart and Shana of Xiu Xiu perform at Musik & Frieden along with make-up design genius and Berlin “It” Girl Akira Knightly who is senior stylist to fashion designer Boris Bidjan.
The club was major packed SRO. Lovesexxxy Jamie & Co did not disappoint burning the stage with an intensity that was kibbles&bit perverse sexualado mixed with a Sheri Lewis & Lamb Chop sworn innocense. I literally peed in my pantaloons when Jamie dedicated the song “Every Girl is Crazy About a Sharp Dressed Man” to the Vagimule doll.

After the electric performance Susi, Akira & I were floating on puree jetsupp. It was a sight for hairy eyeboggs as three gals about town stopped off at a tiny neighborhood pub on the corner and shot back a few. While dwinking alfresco bumped into pretty British artist Elly Clark and her gorgeous girlfriend who were on their way to an art opening. Elly’s bike tire got busted by some proverbial punk rockers breaking bottles in the street.
Cold comfort Spring in Berlina kids!