Monday, December 12, 2016

Knapp daneben ist ach vorbei

Forgot to mention that when I was at Music & Frieden seeing The Hidden Cameras ran into my olde Tenderloin kolleg Felix Knoke the journalist with Der Spiegel Online, who is now the proud papa of a five month old bouncy baby boy named Carlo Ponti.
Felix sent me a link to the lovesexxxy video of Teutonic Tom aka: Tom Wuehr or Tom Wu the happy-go-lovely Hidden Cameras drummer. The video is very polymorpheously perverse and I think you will get a kick out of it, i sure did:

Went to Arsenal for their salute to legendary film director Frank Capra. Was so glad to see the film Lady for a Day starring 75 year old Australian actress May Robson who was nominated for an Oscar for her performance. Ms. Robson's portrayal is so fragile and tender. Also saw the 1961 remake called Pocketfull of Miracles starring Bette Davis, Glenn Ford and Hope Lange. Its not very good except for Peter Falk and for being the movie debut of Ann-Margret.
Thanks to all the well wishers who sent me congrats for having the Whitney Museum of Art in New York City buy pieces from my latest solo show “Come on Daughter Save Me” that was at Invisible-Exports Gallery last year at this time. Now I am just waiting to hopefully get paid$. Seems like I am always waiting for moula. Well thats the state of the world these days. Beggarinos can't be choosey. Was just talking about poor relations in an email exchange recently with the great Justin Vivian Bond. My relatives in the States have been gentrified out of South Central Los Angeles because of reverse white flight back into the inner city. My nephew and his two children ages 11 and 15 live in Lancaster in the mountains above LA and my niece and her 5 kids live in the high desert. If I didnt send them money every month they would be destitute and join yet another array of homeless families on the city streets. My great nephew who is 15 is doing very well in school. He goes to a prep school in Lancaster and made the Dean's list. My older sister emugs me that he is just like I was in my teenage years a complete bookworm living at the library.