Wednesday, August 12, 2015


My womanly gout attack finally subsided during this blasted Berlin heat wave and I was able to meet with oldpal Nurse Pain aka Lauren Pine who I last saw for a hot minute when she came to my solo exhibition at Participant Inc. back in 2012 during Hurricane Sandy Duncan. Lauren who is originally from San Diego is one of those divine creatures who can do anything with style and panasche. She has lived in New York City for over 20 years having been a right hand gal to fashion designer Patricia Field, a piercing expertin, make-up artiste extroidinaire and became a well respected registered nurse around ten years ago. Lauren came to Berlina on holiday with her longtime German beau, and is looking damn hot and super voluptuous. We had a giggling girlish Gertie of a time reuniting and it feels sooooo good.Love you Miss Lady woman.

Seeing Miss Lauren reminded me of Zaldy who I knew in Los Angeles back in the 1980s when she had graduated from Otis Parsons and use to hang with a group of kids that included a girl who named herself after Edie Sedgewick, a gorgeous sweet boy named Alan who was an amazing dancer and his boyfriend Robbie who was a cruel beauty. Alan and Robbie are both dead now from Mrs. AIDS and I don’t know what ever became of the Edie Sedgewick doppleganger.  Zaldy is a top costume designer for mainstream pop stars like Britney Spears. 

Have to get ready to go back to Cork, Ireland for the second part of my Framing the Freakazoid workshop and I also have some pitstops at art congresses in Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Latvia and Poland. What a schedule what a life the Vagimule doll leads.  Just heard from the people of Document Journal Magazine and I will be their cover girl when the mag hits the stands in October.  My portrait was taken by sexy Wolfgang Tilmans.