Monday, October 20, 2014


The handsomest man in Europe Ulrich Ziemons has a book presentation and screening this week that if you’re visiting and want to do something that really reflects the city of Berlin this is your chance: I’ll be there along with my young gorgeous protégé’s DeRohan Chabot, Chrome Chastain, Denning Taylor, Gleeson Brevard, Branscombe Richmaldt, and Acme Singt.

MOVES#74 Ulrich Ziemons »George Kuchar's Weather Diaries« Book presentation & Screening 21 October 2014, 8:30pm

George Kuchar (1942–2011) was not only one of the pioneers of camp cinema, but his catalogue of over 350 films and videos also distinguishes him as one of the most prolific American Underground filmmakers. In his WEATHER DIARIES, Kuchar documents his yearly trips to Tornado Alley. Equally hilarious and touchingly personal, the diary videos show George waiting in vain for dangerous storms and spectacular tornadoes in the solitude of a motel room in the American midwest, where – in the absence of raging elements – he confronts his inner demons.

The recently published book »Aufzeichnungen eines Storm Squatters – George Kuchars Weather Diaries« (transcript Verlag) is the first German-language publication devoted to Kuchar's Weather Diaries. Apart from an introduction to the 23-part video series the book contains an in-depth interview with the director, conducted in San Francisco in the summer of 2011, shortly before his death.

The author Ulrich Ziemons will present the newly published book and show the diaries WEATHER DIARY 3 (1988), 500 MILLIBARS TO ECSTASY (1989), and THE INMATE (1997).
With the kind support of transcript Verlag and Video Data Bank, Chicago. All videos in English / Introduction in German  Admission is free.
I really don’t believe in these crowd funding internet schemes like Kickstarter, Indie-a-Go-Go and the like. If someone I know really well and admire is using them I will recommend to my followers to donate money but generally I think that it takes responsiblility away from funding organizations and institutions who need to woman-up and support artists and not make creatives result to begging all their friends for money for each and every project they work on. That said I will spread the word for this particular project because I love the talent of the performer who is and always has been a TRUE underground sister of the clothe.

"Hiya, all - As you can see below I'm doing a PledgeMusic campaign to finance next album - the new economy -go figure! As I need to spread the word as much as possible to make this project a reality, reposting or sharing this with your mailing list (share links above) etc... Very much appreciated
Many Thanks, Love & God Bless Annie
(And this is where I sing brother can you spare a dime…)"


Little Annie is ready to get her new record underway. Inspired by reinvention, determination, and progressing into the future, this is bound to be a blinder, but we need your help to get it off the ground and in the world's ears... is hosting Annie's campaign to crowd-fund the new record, with an array of exclusive rewards, updates, and opportunities for any and all backers who contribute or otherwise get involved! Head here to check it all out, and be amongst the first to secure the reward of your choosing, a foothold in a part of Annie's extensive and fruitful career, and a spot in Annie's exclusive PledgeMusic mailing list (available to all backers). Goodies and updates galore!