Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Didn’t know it was Berlin Art Week until i ran into Ali Janka of Gelatin and his lover Babi Papi aka: Gunther Gerdes at the Folsom Street Fair Europa. This version of the Folsom Street Fair is very high on expensive fetish costumes and acting out. Not as raunchy as the Bay Area version where porn models let every Tom’s Harry Dick fellate him in public as part of their charitable mercy sex obligation. Strolled about for 30 minutes or so looking for eye candy but grew tired of all the sex lizards with melting flesh and decided to call it quits. Had a hard time trying to find the Schinkel Pavillion off of Unter der Linden because of all the tedious construction in the area. But it was well worth it to attend the Gelatin discursive construction versus communicative destruction with Anettia Mona Chisa, Lucia Tkacova, Kris Lemsalu, Michael Sailstorfer, Thomas Zipp, Katrin Plavcak, Wolfgang Ganter, Tom Humphreys, Will Benedict, Simon Denny, Daniel Keller, Lucie Stahl, Michelle Di Menna, Karl Kolmqvist, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Anna Ly Sing, and Douglas Gordon. From Thursday till Saturday you can watch the Vienna gang and pals construct their sculptures from 4-9pm with a grand opening Wednesday Sept 25 at 7pm. Thank Jehovah of Armies for the whimsical wonder and splendour that is Gelatin!!!!

This weekend the doll will be DJaning my spinderella mix of femme pop rock slop, indie punky funky,freestyle and disco damageria for the Feminist music festival Listen UP which seeks to change the rules where most musical festivals are dominated by dullard men. Listen UP begins Friday Sept 20th at Gretchen and features performances by Noblesse Oblige who have a new video of a remake of The Eagles Hotel California along with Hanin Elias, Elbow, Raeub Erhoehle and DJ Bear Cat with panel discussions and free workshops and more performances Saturday at Sued Block at Kottbusser Tor with musical sets from A Thousand, Yellow Daisies,Leah King, Mary & Mandy and LeiseyLento. Sunday is Rising Stars, Fallilng Stars-We Must Have Music with a rare screening of the Indian Avant garde film Donkey in a Brahmin Village, 1978 directed by John Abraham.