Saturday, February 25, 2012

That sweet Jewish Muslim Champion for Christ Jesus Daniel Hendrickson took me to a nice birthday breakfast at this cute Turkish café on the Hauptstrasse across from Oz Gida supermarket. The food was fine but our waiter was one of the most fugliest men I have ever seen. He looked like a Turkish version of Max Shreck of Nosferatu fame. I have seen many German Nosferatu but never a Turkish one. Scary.
Later in the evening Marc Siegel, Susanne Sachsse and Judy LaBruce took me for a fab birthday dinner at Azul in Kreuzberg. This restaurant is one of my fav´s and I scarfed down their tasty lamb cutlets which are superb. I never stop working my birthday which I drag out for an entire month. I am shameless!
It was great catching up with Judy LaBruce. She had a million fascinating stories to tell us about her trip to Cuba with her big dicked Afro Cuban husband and scandals in Madrid Spain with her new photography exhibition Obscenity at the LA Fresh Gallery. Not only was Judy condemned by Catholic groups but the fascist Franco Foundation was also looking for LaBrucian blood. In short everyone in Spain hates Bruce “Judy” LaBruce. She is slowly becoming the most despised wo-man on the planet, and the most controversial. All the major media in Europe is up in arms and the internet viralocity has made BLAB the top keyword. Judy was looking fit and trim though she caught a bit of a cold from a Bulgarian concubine she hired. Our Lady Judy of the Mariposa will be in Berlin for two months working on several high octane projects that she is trying to keep under wraps and will be participating in the upcoming camp/anti-camp festival Queer Guide to Everday Life at HAU 2 April 19-2st. If you are interested in BLAB product two finger rings in solid sterling silver and solid sterling silver goldplated are available in limited edition of 100 copies worldwide by European Jewelier to the shtars Jonathan Johnson. Contact him at or
Special thanks to writer Travis Jeppeson who connected me with the young, vivacious Portuguese film programmer Pedro Marum of Queer Lisbon Festival and his very cute lesbian husband Rita who I met with at WAU Café the other day to talk about my coming to their youthquaker film festival. Its very smart of this festival to give it over to a youthful contingent who will have fresh ideas and exuberant energy. Other Queer festivals should take heed if they want to remain relevant.
Travis Jeppesen who is also a regular writer to Art Forum Magazine will have a new novel coming out in 2013 called The Suiciders released on the Semiotext(e) imprint which all of his many fans will certainly be anticipating. Travis will most likely read from this new novel when he makes an appearance on my Speaking From the Diaphragm talkshow installation in April at HAU 2 that is part of camp/anti-camp.
Some literary kibbels I just heard on the grapevine: That hot hunky dark haired Jewish writer Nathan Englander(What We Talk About When We Talk About Anne Frank) is having a delicious same sex love affair with Muslim writer Wael Ghonim. I love it when heterosexual men break out of middleclassism and experiment with homosexuality. I am all down for that!
Of course I´m not one to gossip so you know you didn´t hear this from me.
I just finished reading the Scotty Bowers book Full Service and it’s a scandalous hoot. 89 year old Mr. Bowers seems to have had sex with almost every golden era Hollywood star including Vivien Leigh who he sez was great in the sack. He also procured kinky sex dates for Charles Laughton who was a scat queen who enjoyed excremental peanut butter sandwiches and Tyrone Power who savored a train of studluddites golden showering on him. My favorite pronouncement of his was that James Dean was a prissy little queen, moody and unpredictable.
Of course I believe everything he wrote. Its too outrageous to be made up plus it has the Gore Vidal seal of approval.
The other book I am enjoying is Kippenberger-The Artist and His Families by his sister Susanne Kippenberger. I had met the handsome German artist many years ago when he managed the punk club SO36 which is still a popular hot spot in Berlin.

Here is the latest project from one of my hot young German kollegues:
please scroll down for English °°

Liebe Kolleg_innen, liebe Freund_innen,

wir laden Sie und Euch herzlich ein zur Wiedereröffnung von alpha nova kulturwerkstatt & galerie futura in den neuen Räumlichkeiten in der Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben und der Vernissage zur Ausstellung „Von Rosen, Nelken, Netzen – Künstlerische Statements zum Weltfrauentag“.

Am 08. März 2012 ab 19:30 Uhr
Vernissage, Performance mit Sara Ka Ka, Musik mit turbo diesel & egotrya
alpha nova kulturwerkstatt & galerie futura, Am Flutgraben (Kunstfabrik), 12453 Berlin (U1 Schlesisches Tor)

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr und Euer zahlreiches Erscheinen.
Mit besten Grüßen,

Katharina Koch und Anne Kohl
Künstlerische Leitung alpha nova kulturwerkstatt & galerie futura

alpha nova-kulturwerkstatt & galerie futura ist ein Ausstellungs- und Veranstaltungsort in Berlin, der unter einer genderkritischen Perspektive an den Schnittstellen von Kunst, Wissenschaft und politischer Praxis arbeitet.

Ausstellung: Von Rosen, Nelken, Netzen
Künstlerische Statements zum Weltfrauentag

Installation – Poetische Objekte – Zeichnung – Video – Foto – Sound

Künstler_innen: Birgit Cauer, Cristian Forte, Lydia Hamann/Kaj Osteroth, Sandra Haselsteiner, Katja von Helldorf, Bettina Hohorst/Tina Kiel/Mayan Printz, Roland Ibold, Annette Knol, Monika Ortmann

Rosen symbolisieren nicht nur Liebe, sondern stehen auch als Symbol für die Kämpfe streikender Textilarbeiterinnen zu Beginn des 20 Jh., die die Anfänge der Frauenbewegung markieren. Nelken wurden zum Sinnbild der „gelösten Frauenfrage“ in der DDR. Netze können zukunftsweisend sein, um aus der Differenz verschiedener Lebensentwürfe heraus gemeinsam Forderungen zu artikulieren und emanzipative Kräfte zu bündeln gegen Ungleichheitsverhältnisse und für ein selbstbestimmtes Leben aller. Dies sind nur einige Facetten des Nachdenkens über den Weltfrauentag, der auch die Frage aufwirft: Wer ist eigentlich das Subjekt des 8. März? galerie futura schließt sich der Diskussion über die Wiederaneignung des Tages an und fragt darin nach den Potentialen der Kunst. In Installationen, Objekten, Zeichnungen, Foto, Video und in Interviews setzen sich die Künstler_innen auf kritische, ernste, ironische, lustvolle, verspielte und bisweilen kämpferische Weise mit der heutigen Bedeutung des Weltfrauentags auseinander.

Künstlerische Leitung / Kuratorinnen: Anne Kohl, Katharina Koch

Ausstellung: 9. März – 20. April 2012, Mi.-Sa. 16-19 Uhr


Dear friends and colleagues,

we cordially invite you to the re-opening of alpha nova kulturwerkstatt & galerie futura in the new space at Kunstfabrik am Flutgraben and to the opening of the exhibition „Von Rosen, Nelken, Netzen – Künstlerische Statements zum Weltfrauentag“ ("Of roses, carnations, and networks - Artistic statements on International Women's Day").

March 8th, 2012, from 7.30 P.M.
Opening, Performance with Sara Ka Ka, Music with turbo diesel & egotrya
alpha nova kulturwerkstatt & galerie futura, Am Flutgraben (Kunstfabrik), 12453 Berlin (U1 Schlesisches Tor)

We are looking forward to seeing you at the openings.
With best regards,

Katharina Koch und Anne Kohl
Artistic Directors alpha nova kulturwerkstatt & galerie futura

alpha nova-kulturwerkstatt & galerie futura is a Berlin-based art space for exhibitions and cultural events which promotes the interaction of artistic, theoretical and political practices with an explicit gender-critical perspective.


And the great Franko b will have a showcase for his new project Because of Love April 24, 2012 at the Laban Theatre in London. For more information and to reserve a ticket please contact Richard Oyarzabal at

Joel sent me this newsreport. I didnt believe him about it at first, but now i do:

The dismembered, partially cooked corpse of a missing man has been found in a Berlin apartment, where prosecutors believe he was killed after a sex game spiralled out of control.
• Early flowers greet spring (27 Feb 12)
• Balaclava-clad child killer jailed for life (27 Feb 12)
• Giving sausage a face (26 Feb 12)
The BZ daily reported on Wednesday that the deceased, Carsten Srock, was found with his limbs expertly carved off with either an axe or large knife. The body pieces were then wrapped fastidiously in plastic bags and cling-wrap, and left to sit in the two-room flat for around three weeks.

His head was found, partially cooked, by the police.

Prosecutors on the case told the BZ they believe the victim was “murdered for sexual pleasure.”

Owner of the Mariendorf apartment is a 43-year-old man identified as Michael S., who was rescued by paramedics after trying to take his own life. The unemployed Berliner attempted to open a main vein, before calling the emergency services minutes after.

It was only upon the arrival of the paramedics that the gruesome truth began to come to light. The paramedics contacted the police, who arrived at the scene to find not only Michael S. bathed in blood, but the body parts of his occasional sexual partner Srock, dotted around the residence.

“Officials questioned the man in hospital,” a spokesman for the state prosecutors told the paper. During questioning Michael S. reportedly admitted to the murder. An warrant for his arrest was issued on Tuesday.

Srock was reported missing by his partner January 2. According to the gay news portal the bank manager, who reportedly worked part-time at a Berlin gay sauna called "Boiler", finished his shift behind the bar on the evening of New Years Day.

He then took out a large sum of money from a nearby cash point possibly to help Michael S. pay off debts, or to exchange for sex, reported the BZ.

Srock then rang his partner to say that he had other arrangements and would not be returning home that night. The next day, his phone had been turned off.

“It did not take long for us to narrow the search down to the 43-year-old Michael S.,” a police spokesman told Die Welt newspaper. He also added that investigators had discovered that the pair had apparently agreed to partake in sex games beforehand.

An autopsy later confirmed that the two men had taken part in sexual activity together shortly before the murder. Exact time of death remains, however, unclear.

Berlin's gay community has been rocked by the revelations, which have sparked condolences on internet forums for the 37-year-old victim.

The gruesome incident is reminiscent of the murder committed in 2001 by Armin Meiwes, dubbed the "Cannibal from Rotenburg" for castrating, butchering and eating a man. After meeting a 43-year-old engineer from Berlin online, Meiwes and his victim agreed to the killing and cannibalism.

The Local/jcw

Update on Don Cornelius of Soul Train:

When i reported that my friend Doug Gordon who lives in Thailand now went to high school with a woman who was the lover of Don Cornelius i got the info a little mixed up. Doug´s friend is named Victoria Avila and her relationship with Don Cornelius took place for many years over 20 years ago. The mainstream newsmedia also falsely reported that he was going through a bitter divorce with Victoria Avila, but as usual newssources got their facts wrong because his ex-wife a blonde European woman is also named Victoria. Victoria Avila is a beautiful dark haired Latina. Doug tells me that Don Cornelius called Ms. Avila "Big Vic" and that she was deeply in love with at one time.

Had a nice visit with Baby Diaper Joel Gibb to talk about Tenderloin at his Rix Dorf compound. The Diaper gave me a beautiful winter shirt for my belated birthday.
With Muslim champion Daniel Hendrickson I had a meeting with Empress Stefanie Schulte Strathaus about the Rising Stars, Falling Stars Re-Launch in April. It was a very productive meeting. Starting April 22nd is the debut of Rising Stars, Falling Stars-We Must Have Music which will shift the focus of the films i screen from silent to sound and music. After four years of exploring the Arsenal silent and early cinema archive it was high time to shake things up a bit. Of course we will still throw in a silent film with live musical accompanyment here and there. As part of camp/anti-camp we will screen the Nazimova silent of Oscar Wilde´s Salome on March 23rd at 8pm with live musical accompanyment by Tim &kJohnny Blue.
After our Rising Stars meeting, Stefanie and Uli surprised me with a little champagne birthday toast and showered me with juicy presents. It really was a festive little spur of the moment party that included a Poloroid camera, Olga Damnitz and Nanna Heidenreich.
Later in that same evening i took Little Alex of Macedonia to Yumcha Heroes in Mitte for his belated birthday and he gave me a cute little sketch book for mine. We were joined by his hot lover Asaf Hochman for a robust night of girlish klatch.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Got this cute emug from Mark Simon of The Boyfriend who use to perform regularly at Bricktops in Los Angeles. That Mark is someone very special who i love.

Dear Dr. Davis, I can't remember if I sent you a note about how MAGICAL you were at your Bullocks event. YOU WERE. Once again
you captured every imagination in the room. From the instant you materialized behind the glass door... until THE END flashed on the screen,we were yours. Your timing is flawless,I hope you know. Bea Lillie, beware!
You also now join the ranks of Nora Bayes, Jack Norworth, Grace La Rue??, Ina Claire, Lauritz Melchoir, Eleanor Steber and Lawrence Tibbet, in having the wisdom to allow Elsa Maxwell to toss a small silver coin into the mighty roaring river of your talent. You did not put a foot wrong. Thanks too for getting us a few comps, we were glad to spring for a couple more. xoxoxoxox Mark

PS Just for the hell of it I'm including some pictures of your spawn theboyfriend.

here is the bio we use

In 2003 The Boyfriend sprang fully blown from the hip of *Vaginal Davis, on a Friday night, on top of the bar at Bricktops Speakeasy. We approach our songs from around the corner. We hope to see you there.

Having a wonderful birthday runaway with the Camel. The other day he took me to the Hawley Arms in Camden Town which was the late Amy Winehouse's favorite watering hole. It was very straight and trendy playing 60s soul and hulabaloo. There were some cute boys in their twenties and some basic British Dolly Birds. We also stopped by The Bar Fly, The Lock Tavern and The Monarch. These are some famous live music pubs that discovered groups like Coldplay. All these pubs are located in Camden Town in walking distance from Love Camel's flat. Camel took me to eat at Porchetta which is across the street from the famous Round House near Chalk Farm. I ate a delicious Porcini Risotto with a rucula salad.
I noticed walking the biways of London that the latest street look is an odd mix of Bozo the Clown/Hobo Kelly with plushy/furry cumstained seperates.
Love Camel gave me a wonderful book that i cant wait to read called Full Service by Scotty Bowers with Lionel Freiedberg its the true archive story of a handsome young former marine and gas station attendent who was the concubine and procurer to many golden era Hollywood Stars both male and female.
Now we are off for a birthday Brunch at Mexican boite Cafe Pacifico Cantina then will go to Tate Modern to see the Yayoi Kusama retrospective, thankx to the wonderful Stuart Comer.
Back in Berlin from my wonderous birthday stay in London. Thanks to Love Camel, Stuart Comer of Tate Modern for the comp tickets to the fab Yayoi Kusama Exhibition and a delish catalogue. Ms. Kusama is one of my alltime favorite artists as she is as crazy if not more so then i am. In the 1970s she had herself committed to a mental institution and she only comes out periodically to attend her international art openings. Also kissy kisstata to big daddy Ron Athey, Franko B., Lee Adams and Lydia Lunch. The weather in London was divine. I loved eating at the Kentish Town Cantina a few doors down from Love Camel´s flat. And what can I say about those gorgeous peaches & cream complexioned London boys that drive me crazy with desire especially a tall Irish ginger haired 23 year old lad named Ronan who is an Olympic Swimmer with a body you can build a dream on.

Just got this update to who was at the Forum Party at the Volksbuhne last week:

Mickey the delightful boyfriend of beautiful Dorothee Wenner, who is like the German Glen Meadmore in that he drives stars for a living. Wynn and Sally chamberlain and their son. Tom Kalin, director of Swoon, with Rose Troche from Go Fish fame, talking heatedly with the Chamberlains about their encounters with Frank O'hara. Birgit Hein, some boring film academics.Stefan Drößler the head of the film museum munich who is bringing out the w+b hein dvd this year! Ewa Szablowska, stylishly lovely Polish Jewish programmer from Wroclaw who co-curated Jack Smith Retro and invited Mario Montez last summer. Britt, the dear friend of Achmed Bürger, who runs a casting agency and is interested in promoting the acting career of Miss Vicky, Richard Gershe´s sweet and pretty girlfriend,Ulrike Ottinger,
Karola Gramann and Heide Schlüpmann,Angelina Jolie in sunglasses and a hickey on her upper neck given by Jenny Shimizu and Stephan Geene, the affable b books leader.
Got a lot of email from people asking me why I haven´t commented on Whitney Houston´s death. Well I was never a big fan of her music. I was one of the first writers to comment on Whitney as a lesbian way back in the 1980s, when people were telling me that I was crazy and just making things up. I always wind up proving the naysayers wrong. My performance art musical group The Afro Sisters even had a song called “We´re Lesbians” that featured the lyrics:

Florence Henderson . . . Wesson –ality
Lauren Hutton got that gap between her teeth
Whitney from Houston likes to be underneath

One thing I did forget to mention was the death of Soul Train host Don Cornelius who committed suicide at age 75. Don Cornelius was living with a woman who went to high school in Whittier California with my good friend Doug Gordon who use to design the covers of Fertile La Toyah Jackson Magazine. Doug now lives in Thailand and I just emailed him to get his take on Cornelius´suicide so I will report what he sez as soon as I hear from him. I grew up watching the dancing on Soul Train, and some kids I knew from LA High School were Soul Train regulars. A lot of the black guys dancing on the program were queens who were regulars at the Catch One Disco on Pico Blvd in funkytown.

Now I have to go into overdrive prepping for the new art festival at HAU 2 curated by Susanne Sachsse and Marc Siegel called camp/anti-camp A Guide to Everyday Life which will open happens April 19-21st.