Friday, October 14, 2011

Rising Stars, Falling Stars four year anniversary CHEAP list announcement from film historian Marc Siegel below and Filmhighlights radio interview:

(English below)

Liebe CHEAP Freunde!

Es ist lange her seitdem ich eine CHEAP Mail rausgeschickt habe. Wegen Komputerprobleme könnte ich euch weder spannenden CHEAP Sommeraktivitäten mitteilen, noch spontan aufgeschriebene politische Perspektiven. Hoffentlich habt ihr es trotzdem geschafft, den großartigen polnischen Pavilon in Venedig anzuschauen, wo unsere Freundin Yael Bartana ihre Filmtrilogie zu der Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland installiert hat (und wo Susanne Sachsse die hoch geschätzte, traurige aber aufsässige Rivka spielt). Es läuft noch bis ende Nov.

Diesen Sonntag freuen wir uns sehr das 4 Jubiläum von Vaginal Davis Rising Stars Falling Stars zu feiern! Kaum vorstellbar dass Berlin diese eigenwillige Erscheinung mit der schmutzige Vorname so lange aushalten könnte, aber so ist es, und wir müssen das Beste darausmachen. Deswegen dieses Special Event, welches eine seltene Chance die strahlende Louise Brooks in Augusto Genina's PRIX DE BEAUTÉ (Miss Europe, F 1930) anbietet. Klavierbegleitung von der schönen Eunice Martins!

Lass uns VDs 4. Jubiläum von RSFS zusammen mit ein bisschen trinken, flirten, sexen, und –warum nicht–lutschen feiern!
Erst: der Film, dann ab ins Rote Foyer für die Party.

Sonntag, 16.Okt, 21:15 Uhr
Arsenal Institut für Film und Video Kunst, Kino 2
Potsdamer Platz 2
Sony Center Filmhaus

Dear Cheap Friends,

OK. This is now in English. It's been a while since I've sent you one of these CHEAP mails. Computer problems, stupid Email programs and procrastination got in the way. Even though I wasn't here to tell you what to do this summer, I still hope you made it to Venice to see the unstoppable Susanne Sachsse as the tragic yet defiant Rivka in Yael Bartana's fantastic installation "…And Europe Will Be Stunned" which graced the Polish Pavilion with the challenge of the Jewish Renaissance Movement in Poland. If you didn't get to that seductive sinking city, then try to do so before November 27.

I'm writing now, because this Sunday, October 16 at 9:15 pm, the voluptuous volatile Vaginal Davis is celebrating the 4th anniversary of that internationally celebrated erudite ejaculation that we call Rising Stars, Falling Stars! Yes, it's hard to believe that Miss Davis manages to beat on a face monthly for four years and harder to believe that we show up to ogle her! But beat on she does and ogle we do and for good reason: we like it like dat! So get on your Fall fineries and join Miss D and all of us to celebrate the RSFS-way: with twinken, flirten, sexen und lutschen, in the Kino 2 at the Arsenal and in the alcoholic Red Foyer after the film. And what a film it is: Sparkling Louise Brooks in Augusto Genina's PRIX DE BEAUTÉ (Miss Europe, F 1930) , accompanied by the RSFS award-winning accompanist Eunice Martins!

Sunday, Oct 16, 9:15pm
Arsenal Kino 2

Hope to see you there,

**CHEAP Future**

-Don't miss Susanne Sachsse in what is sure to be a fascinating new piece by Vegard Vinge and Ida Müller at the Volksbühne/Prater.It's called John Gabriel Borkman and it's by that Norwegian guy Ibsen. Premiere (sold out because the Volksbühne is lame and keeps all the tickets for boring theater people and the press). But it will run on Fridays and Sundays in repertoire until people get sick of it.

-Get ready for a new CHEAP Production: Communist Bigamist. Two Love Stories by Susanne Sachsse (lots of plugging for Sachsse these days). This piece brings together for the first time in a while a lot of your CHEAP favorites and your favorite CHEAPs! Premiere: Dec. 8 HAU, Berlin