Wednesday, June 15, 2011

After recovering from my diarrhea, I am now gifted with constipation so attending a lengthy Living Archive meeting at Arsenal the other day was difficult to say the least. Arsenal Empress Stefanie Schulte Strathaus is a very good facilitator, doing a good job keeping things flowing. I have to admit I am more of a Rachel Rosenberg DBD (Doing-by-Doing) personality type then someone who enjoys the discussion process with a project.

Susanne Sachsse, Eunice Martin, & kJohnny Blue shared their plans with the Living Archive project that really sound interesting, and some others in Tuesday´s large grouping expressed ideas that sounded intriguing. I plan on working with Chocolate Grinder Film Kollective to make some kind of experimental coming attraction reel that promotes Rising Stars, Falling Stars. I want to combine the art of projection with some kind of interview with Arsenal projectionists but the specifics still need to be ironed out.

Manuel Schubert of Film Highlights Internet Radio came to Rote Insel to interview me this morning. We first met up with Max Steele and Joseph Bibby for breakfast at Toughstein CafĂ©. Max from New York & Joseph from Liverpool are two delightful young artists. Max was on my Speaking From the Diaphragm talkshow installation piece in New York last year. He also publishes a lovely zine called Scorcher. He gifted me a copy of issue number 6 and a bouquet of flowers. I can´t wait to read his zine. Max is also performing Thursday at Chantal´s House of Shame. Max & Joseph joined me in conversation on FilmHighlights and it was a riot of laughs and titular information