Thursday, September 24, 2009

Had a wonderful time at art photog Annette Fricks salon Casa BauBou hosted by Frau Frick and her handsome, elegant boyfriend Wilhelm Hein, the guru of German experimental film. The event was a salute to artist and filmmaker Kurt Kren who was part of the Vienna Akshunist movement. Casa Bau Bou is located in Wedding in an old electronic store front. The salon environment is perfect for a sweet and casual atmosphere of performances and screenings of short films mixed in with coffee, sect and dainties. Among those presenting work: poet and songstress Hermoine Zitdauliest, kJohnny Blue and Axel providing a live score to a delicious new film by Tim Blue called Lenaustr 25, the work of Gary Goldberg featuring Bill Rice and Taylor Mead, music from Mad Angus, short films by Ludvig Schönherr with his ballerina wife Trixie Curdua, Evelyn Rüssler´s Hippo Narcissus and a juicy reading from the famous German actress Carola Regnier the daughter of Charles Regnier. Enjoying the afternoon frivolities: Film historian Marc Siegel and Susanne Sachsse, the fearless leader of kollective CHEAP, Anna Muelter of HAU; North African beauty boy Karim with Nadine of Neu Kölln with the Neu Köllnettes, visiting scholar Tavia Nyongo & lovesexy American pal Michael Scaturro and posse.
Junky punk rock poet Jim Carroll died age 60. Mr. Carroll was a bit of a dinge queen I believe as he gave me the hairy eyeball once after I did a Manhattan show. I was never a huge fan, but I did like the film version of his Basketball Diaries that starred Leo DiCaprio and Marky Mark.
Vaginal Davis has some strange admirers. Got a weird request from some college age looking kid named Tim Tebow who wants an autographed pic amongst other naughty things from the doll. One of my student interns who is here in Berlin studying abroad recognized Mr. Tebow from the provacative pic he sent me. Seems like he is a big American college football star. I never got it clarified as to whether the football in question was pigskin parade or soccor. Just another example of the perpetual wierdness that is the life of la diva.
The marvelously talented Belgian/Frenchman Christophe Chemin has a solo show this weekend in Berlin. Give yourself a treat and check it out:

Christophe Chemin - Rats & Children
Exhibition runs from 26th September to 25th October 2009
Opening Times: Friday to Sunday, 13.00 to 19.00 h
Rise Berlin, Hertzbergstrasse 27, Neukölln, 12055 Berlin