Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Finally got to see Super 700 perform. Ibadette and Mickey One are also in my Berlin based band Ruth Fisher. Super 700 is their indie rock day job, and they were the headliners at the FrannzClub as part of Pop Komm, a music festival like South By Southwest, and just as dull. The group that went on right before Super 700 was like a bad version of Jonathan FireEater, the best thing about them was that they were young, cute and wore matching white shirts and dark slacks.
Getting back to Super 700. Ibadette and her twin sisters looked ravishing on stage, and utilized some subtle theatrics that worked quite nicely. I love that Mickey sports a WC Fields/Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer look, and Iba with a guitar strapped to her on their big pulsating rock number reminded me of Chrissy Hyndes of The Pretenders.
Travis Jeppeson took me to a Brit Pop queer club later in the week. A group from Iceland with a humpy buger boy performed some weak rave damaged dance music. Ran into sweet Felix Grimm of Cheap Club at the Podeville.
Had costume fitting with pretty Aude, the French designer who will create a gorgeous Julee Cruise style dress for the big Judy LaBruce/Terence Koh performative installation that i will take part of on Saturday Sept 29th 7pm at Peres Projects Kreutzberg gallery. Should be a royal hoot.
Saw pics of Terence´s live sex show in Zurich where he fornicates with a beautiful blondine concubine. I´m only going by the pictures i saw of the event, but you´d think they could have hired a prostitute with a little more enthusiasm.
Went to the Berlin Zoo biergarten with the Blue Bros---Tim and kJohnny. Lovely to dwink and hang out. Perfect way to spend the equinox. Later i stopped at Sheune Bar in Nollendorkyplotz and who should i run into but that queens queen of a film actor Rupert Everett in leather regalia looking quite masculine in the low rent fetish pub. He was with an older gentlemen, ordered and paid for two Becks then promptly made haste for greener Dolphin Street pastures.
Berlin observation #54,321. Why are there so many people on crutches, leg braces and other gimpy support mechanisms in this town? Berlina is not the best place to be a cripple, with few escalators, elevators or handicap access ramps.