Monday, April 23, 2007

In true Max & Moritz splendour The M&M´s gangmembers have ganged up against their teacher Herr Lempel in a quiet battle of Paris is Burning style shade that would make Dorian Corey proud.
The premiere was a sensational success. Seen making the 10am trawl: Kunstler beauty boy Matthias Weischer, director Dieter Wedel with lesbian looking teutonic boy starina Max Buskohl, Canadian auteur Bruce "Judy" LaBruce in town filming his new zombie picture, which also features his muse and Cheap kollective fearless leader/Max und Moritz director Susanne Sachsee, dancer Asoff Hochman, Joel Gibb of The Hidden Cameras, Berlinale programmer Nanna Heidenreich & Co, experimental film guru Wilhelm Hein with photog girlfriend Annette Frick, The Berlin cast of Blue Man Group, actor Achmed Berger and the comedy star who goes to the opening of a bag of potato chips Oliver Pocher.
On my day off i wound up at a little sleazy bar in the evening, and had a nice conversation with an elderly Irish man living in Berlin. The Irish and their money bags are buying up the town. My apartment building is owned by an Irish gay couple. I also chatted with a young American boy who i watched interview a piss queen in the toilet, asking the man if he had fought in World War 2 when it was obvious, at least to me, that he wasnt old enough. This kid admitted to me he is living illegally in Germany and plans on hustling when his money runs out.