Friday, September 22, 2006

Dinner with Joel Gibb of the Hidden Cameras and his sweet vacationining Canuck posse. Drinks at Barbie Dienoff met Rob Roth and the Big Ass Art Project Group of New York.
My Judean prince Assaf is now a member of that company who are premiering a new piece in Berlin and Paris. Mr. Roth use to promote Click + Drag with Jackie 60s Johnny Dynell and Chi Chi Valente. Joel Gibb has a nice new German beau who is an architect.
Also ran into Violetta, the androgen student who came to my lecture early in the year at the Free University.
Bumped into Marc Ashenbrenner at the Alex. Marc is part of the international crew of Geliten. Tried calling him later but the numbers did not work or perhaps i dialed wrong. Wound up at Frankenstein 5000 with Daniela Romana and was recognized by young abstract painter Matt Connors who just moved to Berlin from New York. Matt went to college with Amra Brooks and is friends with art photog Ryan McGinley. He bought me many fancy bottled beers and we talked till 4am without going into the backroom.
Met with Jurgen Bruning at the gorgeous Bonjour Tristesse Delux Gallery on Karl Marx Allee in Fredrickshein. My Porno Adorno workshop will be held on Oct 21st at the Kant Kino in Charlotenberg from 8pm-10pm
Arrive in beautiful Graz Austria for the Steirischer Festival. Warmly greeted by the patrician festival director Veronica Kaup wearing an elegant Comme Des Garscon dress. The other staffers prepared a welcome brunch. Met Haiko, curator of the camp show, Anna his assistant. Rehearsed with Marianna, George and Tomas of Club Real, the wonderful Sabina, one of the main coordinators along with Johannes, Plan B´s Sophia, Dan and baby Ruby utterly delightful. Great to see Benny again, the architect who designed the Mountain Project in Berlin and his sexy girlfriend Hanna. Everything seems to be moving along well, and i´m engaged and excited about touring the small religious towns presenting St. Salicia Tate to the people. Can´t wait to try some of the Sturm, a fresh wine---the first of the year.
Went to opening party at the Helmut List Halle Event Hall and met our first set of fans----Eve and the Festival secretarial and administrative assistant klan. Today i am writing this very blog from the Festival headquarters in the former Palast of the Duke of Graz. How is that for hifallutin