Saturday, July 30, 2005

Last night in Berlin. Went to see this short subject from the late 80s at the famed Arsenel. The pic stars Darek Jarmen as Pier Paolo Passolini. Wasnt the best film, but it also wasnt the worse. Marcu and Daniella of the Cheap Collective hated it. Finally found a copy of Zoo Magazine with my article on Visions, Balkans. The Mag looks incredible. I love the interview with Bruce Benderson and accompanying photos also the Joe Lally spread is hot hot hot. Had a beer at the Shaunhauser Allee beergarden. That Sex and the City actress Kirsten Davis was sitting at the nearbye bench. Her face is frozen in one expression, poor girl.
Friday i went to the Pepper Mountain beergarden to have drinks with the Cheap Kids and famed experimental filmmaker Wilhelm Heinz and his photographer girlfriend Annette. Wonderful time with them. Wilhelm knew Al Hansen. Wilhelm is very sexy
and doesn't look like he is 65 years old. He could easilz pass for 50.
Later that evening i went to Babylon, this boy stripper palace that is like a male Flashdance. All the dancers were too femme and had bad hair and equally bad outfits. Stopped for a drink at Tramp, a new bar with the most drunken bartender i've ever encountered. Everyone in the place was so ugly that they were fugly. Found it very amusing. Saw that hack film director Jochan Hick outside of the icky Haffen bar. Jochan is sortof a younger version of Rosa Von Praunheim. Saw a profile he wrote about the LA porn scene in a German magazine. Is he still exploiting the porn world? I guess everyone needs a grift.
Electrical storm saturday lit up the sky. got something of a gnut at Tom Bar in a weak scene i was the epicentre of. spent hours after that chatting up hot Hungarian bartender. What a rack that kid has. A lot of the German bars are hiring youngsters and replacing the salty dogs.

Friday, July 29, 2005

Dinner at the aristrocratic philosophy student Matthias Haase beautiful homo moderne apartment in Kreutzberg, overlooking the danube, with the most expansive view i have ever seen in Berlin. Supper wasn't as awkward as expected. Matthias has been working on his disertation for several years and is the follower of two philosophy gurus from Pittsburgh, so he spends a lot of time in the states, and most of the guests at the soiree are his collegues. One of his pals, was a bona fide sexy humpy dork, who now lives in Boston, but has a German baracuda femme top girlfriend, who obviously wears all the slacks she can find. Matthias never formerly introduced me to his new girlfriend, who is Korean. His old girlfriend Laurie was Chinese, which makes him a heterosexual RICE QUEEN. Matthias is the beauty of all beauties so i couldn't fault him for the odd dinner menu of thai style curries with no salade, desert, coffee and fending for ourselves when it came to drinks. The proper host would make sure all guests are properly introduced and given cocktails before dinner. Elsa Maxwell you are so needed in the modern world.
Was fantastic running into the divine Alessio one of my Cheap Jewelry castmates who now works at the anarchist bookshop, BBooks. Alessio is as stunning as ever.
Later we went back to the Frankenstein 3000 Bar, but it was dreary with all the faggots just standing around not doing anything. Too bad, because it was crowded but with lacklustre energy. I won't be returning there. The Greifbar aka: The Vaginal Davis Bar, was also pitifull. Blame it on globilization, but i'm afraid my new Germany is becoming too much like the United States.
Started filming the electronic segments of the new piece on location at the GDR Monument Park. Attracted a huge crowd around us---of course. Susanne is amazing in action. No one gives more, and is so of the moment. Tim Blue is also a delight. He is so effervescent and childlike. I always have a good time with him.
Did interview with Manuela of the gay newsmagazine SiegeySoule. I know i'm spelling it wrong. Manuela is a hot dagger who also works with the Berlin Film Festival and hass been to Platinum Oasis. Her offices are very sleek and designy.
Went to Freidrickshein Park to cruise the German Brambles. Not much hot action, though i did get my girlish gnut from some tired skinny man who looked like a nervous accountant. Lets face it, I'm really not a park queen. its way too dark and I'm not that into nature. Met the Marcu, TimBlue and fearless leader SueSue at the Fredrickshein Teatre Beergarden. We were supposed to have drinks with Hannah Hurtzig, the German version of Lois Keiden, but she bailed. Went by the Pik me Ab Bar, still as tired as i last remember it, and he Nekkid Bar which was also lousy. Gave the Greif one last chance to redeem itself, but it wasn't up to the task. Talked to a chubby American who has lived in Berlin for 5 years and a German Cha-Cha and both of them agreed, that Mrs. Berlin ain't what she use to be, which is sad.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Friday the Cheap collective met at a very cute cafe in Kreutzberg, with an even cuter waiter serving us. We discussed a myriad of ideas for the multi-visual component in the new piece, and met with tech director Cecile, who i thought was a dagger doodle, but she has a boyfriend. i love Cecile. She has a great personality, is Belgian and use to teach at Cal Arts---she really knows her stuff. i think Cecile should perform in the piece, her beauty needs to be seen on stage. Cecile gave us a tour of the stage we will perform on at the HAU theatre. Workmen were putting in a new floor so it was like being on a construction site. Some of these workmen were pretty fine with large asstrovars. yumm. The theatre is gorgeous from the Weimar days. Later that night Tim Blue and i went to the Frankenstein 3000 bar, which is Bruce La BruceƤs fav hang in Berlin. its a cute little pub, but i could have done without the longhaired cha cha queens prancing about. in the darkroom i was attacked by 1000 hungry mouths. its nice being popular. on the train ride i was attacked by a 21 year old british ginger boy, studying in berlin. he sure had nice freckles and a bubble butt. zowya! late late night we go to the Vaginal Davis Bar & Grill where two megawatt Germans put on a hot sex show with their giant peters splashing and drippping in passions embryonic embrace.
Saturday our beautiful fearless leader Susanne the star of Rasberry Reich cooks a mighty delicious feast at her glam compound. Susanne is a divine goddess that all of Berlin worships, and no one can say "No" to. We watched videos for inspiration, Tobe Hooper Funhouse, Young Frankenstein, Tales of Hoffman, The Bandwagon and Freaks.
Met up late night with an investment banker who i engaged in a heavy petting session. i was such the tease, playing this giant dong German player leaving him with blue ballszs
Sunday was my one day off---sunny and warm. Ran around the city siteseeing and manseeing a juicy big tittied indonesian exotica, a tall germanicus beauty of unparrelled zest and other gorgons too numerous to mention, ah Berlin i dont want to leave you ever.
monday collaborated with cheap collective on short newspaper article creating myths surrarounding our new project. fun writing together. ran into laurie and boypal outside of cafe. laurie was the sexy canadian choreographer of cheap jewelry back in 2001. will see her again on tuesday at her ex beau Mattias philisophical dinner party. Mattias is a young beautiful German aristrocrat who co-wrote the text for Cheap Jewelry.