Friday, April 29, 2005

I forgot to mention i ventured to this old school Melrose Avenue in a manor emporium in the Northern Quarter. Call it the house where Ben Affleck comes to get his guiche pierced and find virile men with twitchy itchy bare knuckles for a proper fisting session. yowzina!
Was interviewed by one of Amelia's top phd students Kevin, to help with a project he is working on. Kevin is a charming soft spoken Jamaican man with dredlocks who doesn't smoke the ganja---god love him. He took me out for tea at the aptly named Cornerhause Gallery Cafe on Oxford Street Road and we had an amazing sistah2sistah, diary of a mad black woman chatalina. Kevin and his dinge queen lover have been a couple for over 15 years, and besides working on his doctorate, Kevin is an accomplished sculptor who receives regular commissioned assignments and owns his own home near Amelia Jones in the Chorlton area.
Yesterday was day four of the Maladjustment Rule workshop and its coming in to its own special Stella Getting Her Groove. Perhaps after Monday's bank holiday we'll be able to put the pieces of the puzzlette together and map out some tech. After Wednesdays sesh i hung out with the gorgeous baby dyke couple Lisa & Tess and their ten roommates in the campus dorm. Boy i'm glad my undergrad days are way over. I certainly would not want to be a young student again. I enjoy teaching occassionally, but a fulltime career in academia isn't my cup of formadaliptic tea.
Had lunch at Loves Saves the Day and shared a table with a paraplegic theatre actor and director who is putting on a show called "The Last Freakshow" at the Royal Exchange Theatre in Manchester. Would love to see his performance, but its during the most critical time of preparing my piece, so i think i'll miss it. We exchanged information and if i bring Visions of Excess to his hometown of Edinburough, Scotland i'd love to include him. His eyes bugged out when i mentioned the Goddess Bunny.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

On my third day of workshops with the students. A great bunch all of them. Lou and Es are Phd students, Es is in a band. Phil is a young boy who has worked with disabled children and has travelled quite a bit in Europe and the US. Tess and Lisa are hot lovers in the Wendy & Lisa School of Joan Jett Rocker chick love. Very hot hot hot hot. Jaheda is a beautiful young lady from Bangladesh, intelligent, strong and resourceful. She led us in an excercise involving Muslim prayer rituals that was just genius. Theodore is from Athens Greece and is really giving his all--he could emerge as the star of the show. We've all bonded rather quickly, and its been delightful seeing what is taking place in a natural organic fashion.

And talk about multi-cultural. The diversity is true and not token. Even though i'm an anglophile. There are still a lot of British phrases and words that leave me stumped, so i'm learning a lot in this process. The physical intensity has my old creaky bones rattled. I'm really delicate. My co-facilitators Joey and Niven are just supurb in everything they say and do, and without them i'd be soooo lost.

American and British English are sooooooo different, and once you through in the slang factor. ouch. I'm having a hard time keeping up. hopefully i'm losing a lot of weight with all this physical activity and mental pumping.

Monday, April 25, 2005

Friday i went to the Museum of Science and Industry. Didn't know man!chesty was a science and technology mecca. The industrial revolution was born here---they produced the first steamer and railway station circa 1830. Even the atom was first split in Manchester. ah, what a history.
Watched a program on the telly about the scandalous Duchess of Argyle and the notorious headless man in a series of porno photos. The famous headless man turned out to be Douglas Fairbanks Jr. You get your gnut Duchess.
Ran into professor Da-vid and his beautiful latin lover, also Dr. Monica Pearl and her cute daughter Vita Sackville-West.
Was interviewed by two British magazines via email. One asked some great questions, but the other just wanted to get some dirt on my cousin, the US secretary of state Condi Rice.
Saturday i met a beautiful top heavy Columbian boy with full lips of vermillion, bubble butt and big feet. Took him back to my hotel and plowed him silly. Very hot hot hot kid.
Luckily on Sunday morning my builder boy had to cancel our picnic plans as he had to spend time with his two children. I was able to sleep in really late from my sex date the night before with the muscle headed Columbian.
Walked all the way to Professor Amelia Jones' house for din din. Nice trot, and i got to see a different part of the city. Amelia's house is gigantic and gorgeous! Built in 1910 and filled with art pieces from Judy Chicago to Annie Sprinkle. Her children are beautiful. A little girl named Vita Sackville-West and a Jodie Foster in Freaky Friday looking boy named Evan. Joining us for dinner was Amelia's wild eyed friend Vanessa who had to leave early as she had a date with my favorite British actor Christopher Eccleston. Vanessa came with her ex boyfriend the performance artist Tam Hinton who just performed at the Greenroom performance lab doing a solo piece called The Naked Soul of Kirk Godless-part one. Tam is very sexy, i'd love to give him a tongue bath all over his shiny white body.
Vanessa also brought her pretty son Leon who has long dark hair and is best friends with Amelia's son Evan. Leon reminded me of Beck's brother Channing when he was that age. The meal was fantastic, Amelia is quite a hostess who knows how to make kill dozer margaritas that really quench the G-spot.