Friday, September 10, 2004

Went to see my godson Immanuel Martin's short film "Diez" at the Arc Light's Short Film Festival. His movie is very lovely and meaningful. The kid has talent and a soft touch with tone and texture, something so lacking in the Hollywood product farm.
The other films on the program were very good as well, why they were all lumped together in a Latin American program was just ridiculous. The facilitator was a bit late for the sky as well.
Wonderful meeting Immanuel's cousin who is a Jesuit priest working at a church in Compton. I like the Jesuit order, they are the cooler Catholics, and this padre certainly was that. Iman and his mother Cherry Jefferson, who was in the Afro Sisters with me, are also related to Richard Widmark. Cherry lives in Oakland with her sexy French girlfriend Ghislain, who comes from an ancient French aristocratic family.
Got word from the Fierce Festival people, that we will be taking Visions of Excess to the Balkans in December. I'm excited about getting the opportunity to chow down on some Serbian dick.
Had a hilarious conversation over the phone with Lady Bunny. She's had to bring Wigstock back at Tompkins Square or risk losing her ownership of the very festival she created. Copyright laws are so bizarre!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Daddy Athey and I have been working diligently on an article for the LA Weekly's Best of LA. The two of us make a dynamic writing team, our last article together was a fashion cover story about Humpy Dorks. This time we're delving into ghetto bathhouses, namesly the 1350 in Wilmington, Downtown's Midtowne Spa and the oldest bathhouse in Los Ang, The KLYT, on Skid Row.

Isadora Duncan Night at Bricktops was purely Isadorable. Augusta! the documentary filmmaker performed as Penny Starr Jr. That Augusta has such delicious breastage, and she really knows how to Wow!!!! Some tired TV show came down to capture all the excitement. Johnny Knoxville was at the club, and he is so handsome in person. Beautiful skin and a nice smile. He wisely avoided the TV cameras. I don't blame him. I wish i would have been able to. The cast members of Hairspray at the Pantages Theatre were also in the audience. Mark Simon and his Boyfriend review did a song just to masculate things and Shauna Leone did her sexy Prohibition Boutique in the foyer. Summer Peaches was our hot voluptuous taxi dancer. Running around looking sexy was Norman Ghoulsen of The Acres, video artist Ming Ma, belly dancer Europa, pretty Jean Spinosa with Reaux and Shirtless John and Vietnamese writer Kien Nguyen who has that new book out called "Le Colonial".
I performed at the California Plaza Water Court with Stew and the Negro Problem. It was a salute to LA songwriters. The other featured guests were John Doe of X, Dave Alvin, Stan Ridgeway of Wall of VooDoo, Michael Quercio and Kristian Hoffman. I sang a 20's version of the GoGo's "This Town" which went down really well. Was treated very well by the staff, and ran into old pal and former Cholita, Gaby Godhead who works at the California Plaza as a techie. I adore Gaby, he's responsible for Cholita's sound being more vibrant the last two years we were on the local scene as a band.
Went to Jeffreyland Hilberts 40th Birthday party at his gorgeous streamline moderne apartment in Koreatown. Jeffrey is aging in reverse. I swear he looks younger and younger everytime i see him. Had a great time drinking, stinking and living it up. Marky Magdeleno brought his new beau Charlie who is from Arkansas and is very cute.

NOTE TO MYSELF: Must pitch to Rebecca the editor of Zoo Magazine that i do an article on Doug who use to be the editor in chief of Honcho Magazine. Talk about major career changes. Doug is now the mortician to the stars. He beat on the final resting place face of Celia Cruz.
Marlene Deitrich Night at Bricktops, an evening celebrating the charms of sexual predators. Marlene's great granddaughter Lola Tawdry performs with special guest Fifi Piaf the granddaughter of Edith Piaf. Also some hot boy suburban Taxi Dancers provided by Marky Magdeleno along with some private dancing behind the curtains which got a little out-of-hand as some men in the audience were ravishingly horndoggy for the well endowed dancers. oh welp!!!!
Artist Mathew Barney came by the club and introduced me to Bjork's son Sindri. I had no idea she had a grown child. She must have been impregnated with him when she was a teenager. He's a cute kid.