Monday, June 07, 2004


I've been a very naughty girl of late and haven't been writing down all my missadventures for all the fans in my fandom. I've been ever so fraught with a bunch of power bitch meetings with all these people pitching me projects that they want me to be involved in. Every day i get 10 more emugs and phone calls. I'm not going to go into any detail, because its just all too too much.

Bricktops has been very juicy of late. The Ditty Bops finished up their residency with a big bang theory performance where they turned the place inside out as an underwater grotto. What an enchanting evening. I had a blast flirting with all the cutie butt pies and dimple danggers. The Bops are destined for hugeness.

The parade of admirers included Laura Michelchynshyn, head of Showcase Television in Canada and Jeremy Padeswa the director of HBO's Carnival also Cyril Kuhn who co-directed my erotic silent film "Wo Ist Manfred" and his pretty artist wife Karen Lofgren plus some of the C-Level art collective, Javier Peres of Peres Projects Gallery and those bubbly humpy dork Herbst Twins. The Bricktops regulars were in full force: Bibbe Hansen and Sean Carrillo, Shauna Leone, Don Spiro and Augusta.

Last Friday was our Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue nite, helping me DJ was special guest spinmeister Audre Beardsley of Clapton Pond and performances by Mr. Uncertains jazz band Uncertain which features Austin Texas on bass, Sid Arthur on guitar and hunky beauty boy Kenneth Thunder on drums. Bibbe brought adorable Jack Dishell the guitarist with NYC's Moldy Peaches and Sundance head programmer Shari Frilot came with Thomas Allen Harris the filmmaker and academic brother of Lyle Ashton Harris.
Madame Bricktops sang a song about not liking little men with little hands and little feet and also did a cover of the Franz Ferdinand song, "Jacqueline" embarrasing the boys of the band who were trying to drink some pints in peace. They seemed to like Bricktops version of their song which was one damn alcoholican rendition. The boys from Franz Ferdinand got into a little bit of a shouting match with muscular pro-beach volleyball players Jason Ring and George Roumain, who were a little stymied by the well dressed crowd. Word to Jason and George-----flip flops and shorts should only be worn at the beach fellas.

The Lady Ms. Davis saw a bunch of movies, the Yves St. Laurent documentaries, Saved, The Day Before and After Tomorrow and Harry Potter. The fashion docs were the best. Not even cute Jake Gyllenhaul could redeem the disaster flick, that wasn't Armagedony enuf and while Alfonso Cuaron does infuse the Potter film with a bit more edge, it still comes off a little flat.

my English husband Andrew of Gould's wife Charity Hope Valentine is back in Los Angeles. I've missed her, its great having her back in the gritty.