Saturday, March 27, 2004

Was taken to dinner last week for my birthelday by the great Karol DeGraffenreid and her handsome Scandanavian husband Kejhl Johansen to Musso & Frank. We had a delightful time, laughing the night away. Lots of olde time stars like Tony Curtis were eating next to us, plus some bland rock n rollers from groups that I don’t even know, but everyone else seemed to recognize them. Kejhl use to be in the old art punk band The Urinals. He still does music, but his day job is a lawyer with the LA District Attorney’s office. I really have a varied group of friends.

Had a breaky get-to-gether with Meesh of the Epiladies at the Brite Spot in Echo Park. They are under new management. I hate change, but maybe its for the best. They redesigned the mens restroom so now you don’t have to be a fidget to use it. I also got together with Jeffreyland Hilbert UK and Miss Morgan of Rhodes. We had a hoot of a girlfriend friendly time. Jeffreyland may be from Idaho, but he is blacker then me and Morgan combined.

Bricktops Enrico Caruso Nite was a smash hit. Alex Garcia of Club Chubb performed singing two arias, and he is mega talented. He didn’t even use a microphone, but he projected so well, no one had a hard time hearing him. Just brilliant. Ruben Studard watch out, there’s a new teddy bear in town, with a cock ring. Lots of cute kids and new faces. My big dicked ginger headed boy came into the DJ booth to give me a whiff of all that stuffed in his pantaloons. Wowza!!!!! Semi regular Tim Armstrong of Rancid and his nicely dressed posse showed up along with Sammy Naceri the French/Arab star of the film "La Mentale". Bibbe Hansen and Sean Carrillo were also looking splendid, as well as Don & Augusta, Albert of Watts, Jean Spinosa, Marky M and his cute boy brigade, Norman Ghoulsen of the Acres, Richard "Al Jolsen" Halperin, and a scantily clad Maggie Gyllenhaal. I love you Mag, but I wish you’d bring your brother Jake to the club. I’d like to suck on him.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004


Bricktops is so unpredictable. I never know what to expect every Friday. Had a wonderful night---the theme was completely goofball---- a Saint Patrick’s Day Fellatio Party. Whatever that means. I guess it was wishful thinking on my part that all the men would just start pulling out their penises. Shannon Kelley who use to be a main programmer with Outfest was the special guest. He played cello and sang beautifully some Irish songs and shanty’s. It was joyous. I created an original ditty that went like this:

"Pull a train on me,
come on you can do it.
the giddy abandon of the gang bang is just a rite of passage
young men have to go through, so
you have my permission to pull a train on me."

You could have heard a pin drop during that number.

I don’t understand it, but a ton of famous people were at the club. One of my favorite French actresses Isabelle Adjani(Queen Margo/The Story of Adele H) looked incredible. I couldn’t tell if she has had plastic surgery. She must have---the woman looks really young, and she's at least 50 by now.

Yuguslav tennis star Svetozar Marinkovic who use to be married to Mike Tyson’s ex, Robin Givens came with Swiss Tennis pro Roger Federer who is really young, sexy and hot hot hot!!!! I wonder if the two Europeans are fudgepacking each other.

Alex Kapranos of the Scottish band Franz Ferdinand, was really taking quite a lsuper duper liking to Mr. Uncertain, so was one of my favorite underrated actors Matthew Lillard(Scooby Doo), aussie hunkina Heath Ledger, Mark Ruffalo, Josh Schwartz, the producer or write of some TV show called Orange County and Gonzaga college basketball cutie Cory Violette rounded out the crazed mix of partygoers. There was even this strange model/actor couple who came to the DJ booth asking if the music i was playing was all that would be heard all night. They obviously stumbled into the club unaware of the theme, but they stayed till closing which i didn't expect.