Monday, February 16, 2004


This little emug from my New York based fashion guru:

GLOBAL VILLAGER: Just when you thought it was safe to go back to the airport, Glenn Belverio - aka "Global Editor" - will be jetting off to Italy in two weeks, Associated Press has learned today. The globe-trotting trollop has been invited to visit a German village tucked away somewhere in the Italian Alps, near Turino. "I'll never forget the month I spent there researching goat leather for our Italian hiking boots", J. Peterman of J.Peterman catalogue, Belverio's employer, recounted fondly when he heard his prized copywriter was flying the coop. "Despite Glenn's problems with opium addiction and his anti-social behavior toward cake parties, his writing skills make him a valuable asset to the company. We hope he comes back soon."

"Glenn's Italian-American heritage and Teutonic intellect make him a natural for covering the German scene in Italy", spit-fire feminist Camille Paglia commented. "He'll take the Alps by storm."

After repeated calls to Belverio's cubicle, we finally reached the elusive writer for comment. "The Italians really know how to throw a press junket!" Belverio shouted over the cacophony of clicking typewriters. "After two weeks of Burger King and pizza, I'm looking forward to some sauerbraten ravioli and Black Forest tiramisu. Now, I have to get back to my copy....we're on deadline for a section on men's twill pants. I've called it 'Triumph of the Twill'."


Frances Partridge of the Bloomsbury Group died in London at age 103. The Bloomsbury Group was one of the wackiest of the famed literary sets during the 20s. The members consisted of Virginia Woolf, Lytton Strachey, Dora Carrington, Ralph Partridge and EM Foster. They were all held together by spit, aesthetics, sex and suicide.
My literary set is called The Doomsbury group and consists of Ron Athey, Lisa Teasley, Kembra Pfhaler, Glenn Belverio, and Bruce La Bruce. I hope that at the end of this century I’m still around to be the diarist for my Gritish partners in grime.

Anderson Cooper was my Valentines Date on Saturday. We aren’t really lovers, its just that since we both were Miss Lonelyhearts on the day of questione, Mr. Cooper decided he would romance me with all the trimmings. Luckily we weren’t the only samesex couple at the lovely fancy Korean BBQ moderne diner on Olympic at Western. It took forever to get a table, but it was well worth the wait. The new generation of Korean boys, sure are hunky and masculine. I was wanting me some of that rice, rice baby. My only complaint is that the lighting needs to be dimmer, especially around the bar area. It was nice and dark in the large patio section.

After supper we shared a bottle of vino and watched Rueben Mamoulian’s brilliant "Applause" starring Helen Morgan,(an early Valentine gift to me from the sweet boys of the Science Holiday Art Collective).at Anderson’s penthouse suite at the Ravenswood, the apartment on Rossmore in Hancock Park that was owned by Mae West. We also wanted to watch the "Lost Films of Science Holiday, but it was almost 1am, and neither of us could keep our eyes open.