Monday, December 01, 2003

Finally saw the flick, The Human Stain starring Anthony Hopkins and Nicole Kidman. Sir Hopkins as a light skinned black man impersonating a jew strained all believability, but it was still a nice effort and enjoyable nonetheless especially the flashback sequences with Wentworth Miller as the young Sir Hop.
Mr. Miller has been to Bricktops a few times, and really is high high yeller. So high he doesn’t look like he has any negroid in him at all. Its odd seeing someone in person a few weeks ago then watching them in a movie. Anne Devere Smith was also in the cast and used to nice effect.

Oh just got an email from someone who was thrilled to meet Daniel Sunjata from Broadway’s gay baseball play "Take Me Out" at Bricktops on Friday. I slightly remember taking a picture of a very hunky guy, but I never recognize celebrities.

Sunday, November 30, 2003

Spent all of Saturday until the wee hours writing this essay for the Thread Waxing Space Catalogue. Of course I’m no where near being finished. Left my studio at around 11:30 and while on the Metro I gave the gacy glare to this hot Japanese boy sitting across from me. He had porceline skin and full lips and when he sat down I noticed that he was very tall and lithe. I’m such the rice queen, well I figured he was Japanese from Japan, because Japanese Americans never give me the time of day. He gave me a look and a warm smile so I said, "You're coming home with me, NOW!"

THe beauty is in Los Angeles going to school at UCLA and is only 21 years old. Boy was I surprised when I took off his clothes and discovered washboard abs, fat juicy titties, and an ass to build a dream on. He reminded me of a young version of Takoa from the Dumb Type art collective.

I gobbled this fresh young boy alive, eating every orifice and creating holes on him that weren’t there before. He got me so excited that my angry 3 inch Clitoris was all mack mama, and i didn't need any Viagra to plow him over and over again. I made the boy have 5 orgasms in a row. See what happens when you don't get sex on a regular basis.

Needless to say I didn’t get much sleep last night and so I’m late in arriving to the studio today. Thank god Javier of the Peres Projects Gallery called and cancelled our bruncheon date.

Also got a call from my godson Immanuel de Falaise who will be visiting LA on his way to Japan to see his ex-wife and daughter. My godson is also an olde school rice queen. I’m making Immanuel be in an installation at Bricktops on Friday. He will be typing love letters from Walter Gropius on a vintage typewriter. What a hoot it will be.

Tony Thompson the drummer of Chic and Power Station died this week. He was only 48 years old. I met him once in New York in the early 80s and he was very nice and kindof sexy. He was doing session work for Madonna’s "Like a Virgin" album and David Bowie’s "Let’s Dance" at the time.

More from the great Judy La Bruce. No one writes an emug like Lady Judy:

hi cuntessa: i'm kinda low today. i went to see sherry vine perform last night at big eden. it was the last night of her six week run with two
female back up singers, the vinettes. she's nice, and she looked great, i have to say. for a
fortysomething, she was thin as a railway child and her legs were muscular and long. i'm not much into drag, but she did an all black music routine so it was fun to hum along. of course i was on speed, so maybe i wasn't humming at all. (i had to go see her because she has a
little cameo in my movie, playing a drag patty hearst gay terrorist-themed club host. it should have been you, by rights, but we couldn't afford to bring you in.) i had a little slip last night. i haven't been going out much at all, but i needed to get laid last night really badly because it had been three weeks. so i ended up at the tubs. i can't believe german dick. they are all so hung, and the cockature is
so nicely put. i'm glad i don't live here or they would kill me eventually. the only other time i was drunk was when i went to see peaches open for marilyn masonite at the velledrome with my friend rosemary from toronto who is staying with peaches. we went back stage
and then to an after party she had where there was beer, scotch, coke, pot, and champagne, not in that order. the next day i had to fly to stockholm but i was so hungover i couldn't get out of bed. sussane had to come over and pull me out and help dress me and drive me to the airport. i felt like chris reeve. i never would have made it without her. i am definitely getting old lang syne. nice to hear belinda is still true to her blond roots. i think i'm going to come to LA after my photo exhibit in dallas, which is around jan 8th or tenth, and then just stay until sundance and go from Los An. i think susanne is going to come. she's more excited than i am. i am kind of burnt out on the project right now, so quite frankly i would be blase even if it were cannes-ed heat. well, i better go read page 6 and see what paris is up to. three more weeks here and then i'm reunited with the muslim and it will feel so good. did i tell you kembra and i had a nice time when she visited toronto before i left. will munro rented a car and drove us to
niagra falls which she had never had and of course she's obssessed with
niagra starring Monroe. but kembra was chicken and wouldn't even go
under the falls. she's like you. and when she went over to look at the
falls she had to crawl on her hands and knees. and then we went to a
house of horrors and it was scary because they hire college students to
jump out and scare you with masks on. kembra was on the floor again. we
had to lead three little girls to the exit because they were scared
witless. back in toronto we watched Secret Ceremony with taylor and
farrow, which kembra had also not seen. she loved it. robert mitchum has
the best lines: 'you mysterious bitch!", he said of liz, and of mia, 'a
retarded zombie'. chillingly accurate. xxx blab