Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Saw Terminator 3-Rise of the homemade Rage against the machines. Love love Nick Stahl. He is a juicemonger. Whats happened to poor Clair Danes. She looks olde enough to play Nick's mom. Her acting was fantastic, but how is it that she's aged so much? I guess she just has that kind of white skin that is prone to looking haggy beyond its time. The same with Kirstin Dunst who is only 21 or so but looks 37. I'm certainly no teenager myself, but on a good day i can really give a semblance of youth. I actually enjoyed the Terminator movie and President Arnold----yes give him a few years and he'll either be a Jesse Ventura-esque governor, president or fascist dictator.
Summer is really here now. I hate hot weather. Its depressing. The only good thing about it is that a lot of sexy boys are wearing less on Hollywood Blvd and that is nice to see. Went to the movies to escape the mid day heat. Saw the new Charlie's Angels sequel, and i was amused by it. Its quite the trifle though. Justin Thoroux has a great body playing a gangland Mick, i met him once through margaret Cho, she brought him as her date to Club Sucker years ago. Seeing him in the movie made me want to chow down. I also love the young ingenue Shia LeBouf who was in the film Holes. He reminds me of my old paramour Alfie Botello when he was that age. Ran into Alfie's childhood pal Travis downtown a few months back. He seems sad and forelorn. It was good seeing him. I guess Alfie is in LA a lot trying to sell screenplays. Maybe one day he'll want to connect with me again. I feel like our paths will definately cross when i least expect it. I still have great feelings for him. Not exactly love. I'll never be IN LOVE with someone, but i do have this attraction to him that will never go away. Probably he senses that and is not anxious to tread that path on any level. I don't blame him. I'm too much of a handful for anyone, even maintaining a friendship with me can be difficult as i'm extremely demanding on all accounts. I'd love to see Alfie's wife. I hear she looks just like me, but is white. Freud would have a field day with that, eh?

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

was reading the cover story of Spin Magazine that my friend Brendan Mullen wrote about the history of Jane’s Addiction. Pretty damn good. That Brendan has a wry way around the oral history reportage. Reading the article brought back a lot of memories of the period. I was around a lot of the incidents relayed, especially the section about Psi Com, Perry’s first band who I always felt were more interesting then Jane’s Addiction. The best thing about Jane’s was the name. I was the one who introduced Perry Farrell to Ziola Blue aka: Lisa. She was an Orange County teenager from a wealthy family who was a wild free spirit and hung out with these two other teens Mischa and Ix aka: Steffan. I don’t know what ever became of Mischa, but Ix is now living in Hawaii I believe, with another old acquaintance from long ago named Buck. Xiola was quite the beauty, but had a drug problem par viatria. When she was in rehab she would send me some of the funniest letters which I still have in storage. The last time I saw Perry was at Beck birthday party. We really didn’t have much to say to each other than, "Hi". He was always a bit of a sponge who absorbed from everyone he met. But back then he was affable if not a bit hippy dippy. By the time he was living in that house on Wilton Place with the entire band, he had some kind of sexual Svengali control over them, especially Eric Avery and Dave Novarro. Perry does have a giant thick dick, and at that time all the boys in his band got to chug a lug of it, but after a while he couldn’t manipulate them anymore with his cock. The boys were all at least 10 years younger then him and very impressionable as they were suburban and Jane’s Addiction was their first parlay into the underground scene. Dave Novarro and Stephen Perkins are still very suburban in their tastes. Thats uber obvious with Dave going out with tired Carmen Electra and all the other skinny brittle blondes before her. He’s really a butch bottom and wants a boy with a big dick like Perry but can’t admit it. Jane’s opened up for my band The Afro Sisters twice. At a theoretical party at the Park Plaza formerly the Elks Lodge and then at this BBQ party below the Detour in Silverlake. One Jane got a following and clicked Glen Meadmore opened up for them at the Scream Club and was boo'd off stage by the bratty Valley and Orange County poser weenagers. of course crazy Glen loved it.

Monday, June 30, 2003

Dadster Athey had cooked one of his superlative feasts. Talk about eating good just the way I like it. Food is much more reliable then sex. Had a hilarious chit chat with Gwen Turner the glorious star of such films as Chasing Amy and Go Fish. Gwen is certainly one of the smartest women I know and never fails in making me laugh out loud. Her male husband is professor Jose Munoz of NYU. They even had a commitment ceremony on fire island recently, and are writing a screenplay together. Gwen’s latest project is a lesbian version of Queer is Folk that stars Jennifer Beals, Pam Grier and I kidyounot Snoop Doggy Dog. Leave it to Gwen. I also did something I have never done in my life and that is: toot cocaine. Yes the original anti-drug lady actually put cocaine up her lovely nostrils. Oh whats the big deal? It actually wasn’t bad. I didn’t even do a full line of it, but I did feel something and it was pleasant. Now I’m a bona fide cocaine whore. Next on my list is ecstacy, then crack, crystal meth, pcp, ghb, and heroin. I’ve sure waited late in life to experiment with drugs. But hey, I’m a late bloomer. I was a little afraid it would give me a heart attack but both Ron who is AA and Rage(his next door neighbor) swore to me that I wouldn’t go into cardiac arrest. I certainly did feel a rush, but it leaves the system pretty fast and I actually got a really good night sleep from it. Who would have thought?
Spent the day with Fertile La Toyah Jackson at her new Pasadena compound. She is a high falutin homeowner with a lovely two bedroom house over near the RoseBowl Swap Meet. Im so proud of my lady Fertile. Gawd. I’m the only one who is broken down living in tired tiny flats with nothing I can call my own. I’d sure love to own a home, but unless I marry Prince William I don’t see that happening anytime soon. Edith invited me and Fertile to dinner at her pretty hilltop Glassell Park estate. Her 3 year old daughter Eva is really cute, looks just like Edith’s handsome Aryan husband Steve who use to be in the band The Vandals. Steve is one hot big dicked German. Ya Volt! He has a son from a previous relationship who is 16 and is also a hunk. You know you’re old when all your friends either own houses or have children who are almost grown. We watched a bootleg copy of that new movie by Danny Boyle "28 Days Later" Really scary. I hope I don’t run into any zombies, or if I do I don’t want them to munch on my brains, just my titties. Hahahahahaha!!!!
Went by Frank Rodriguez and Jeffreyland Hilbert's new design firm Famous. Its really cute right next door to the Gauntlet II. Frank left the security of a job with Sony Pictures to be a partner in Jeffrey’s firm. I’m proud of him for taking such a big risk and finally leaving the corporate world behind. Honey child let me tell you, working for "the Man" gets you nowhere fast. Its best to be an entrepreneur and do it all for yourself. Amen.